Wednesday, January 27, 2010 with Mary VanDeWiel

._.Image by HamburgerJung via Flickr

I enjoyed interviewing Mary Van De Wiel of about the importance of defining your brand and doing what it takes to stand out from the crowd.

Mary, or Van as she would prefer to be called brings to the table a global understanding of people and business and that special feeling that you get when a brand is properly created and positioned in the marketplace.

You learn from Van that businesses need to work on their brand when they start-up and also many people need to work on their brand as they advance in business.

Businesses need to  be clear about their position in the marketplace to be more successful and ultimately make more money with companies they've already started.
You can have a business that is successful that can be even more successful with some adjustments.

What do you adjust when it comes to your brand and how do you make a difference in the crowded business marketplace? Sometimes an outside evaluation from an expert, like Van, will reveal as she explains the cracks that need to be filled in your presentation and strategy.

So many people get coaches to help them in all areas of their lives, Van is like a brand coach.

I wanted to know where people go wrong or what people need to improve on most frequently and Van explained to listeners of our talk show "Successipes" that the brand presence ranges from how businesses present themselves with their business card, their logo, their website and everything along the way.

Consumers want to connect emotionally with brands they like and want to be more involved with. First impressions count and that's often overlooked by business owners who might not have taken the time to create a business card that is attention-getting and memorable.

Business owners should really pay attention to what the customer is seeing, feeling, and experiencing with their website. There's so many talented people out there in the marketplace who can offer services to help you design a great presence on paper and online and it doesn't have to be at costs that are prohibitive.

Van is a solopreneur and presents herself as an experienced and savvy brand provacateur. She knows her stuff and has even established a NY Brand Lab to help business owners get a strong grip on their Brand identify. Van is about sincerely wanting to help people and about being honest with them about what's working and what  needs to be revamped. All I can say is she can definitely help people with

For the full interview tune-in to our Las Vegas success talk show at ..
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