Saturday, December 26, 2009

Put a Beautiful Idea Into Action and See What Unfolds

"If I had a world of my own, everything w...Image by turtlemom4bacon via Flickr

Complete projects don't just happen. You start with an idea. It might be a beautiful idea, but if you take no actions to do something about your idea, it won't grow on its own. 

Ideas are like seeds, you plant them ,then water them. If you don't care for your garden of ideas, they might die. Help your ideas bloom. 

As you learn about more ways to use online marketing techniques, you have to try things to grow and get better at  using the tools .

We were introduced to a few sites recently including hub pages,, reddit, and The good news is that you can work on growing your online presence a little more each day. Take actions or nothing will happen.

You can read some of my business success articles at
Business Success Examiner
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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Inspire Someone Today to Share Their Special Talents with the World

{{w|Joel Osteen}}, pastor.Image via Wikipedia
Joel Osteen said in his sermon today that you should speak the blessings onto others and this made me realize that we help others by encouraging them. How many times have you heard parents who were knocking their kids and talking about them in a negative manner. This is damaging and some children just never forget. They grow up with emotional issues because they never felt supported by their parents.

Joel Osteen, in his now #1 New York Times bestselling book, It's Your Time,"  encourages people to live their dreams and move ahead to live their passion and as I say here, love your life. As we move towards the holidays and people are out shopping for gifts, it's great to think about doing something to encourage someone and change their life forever.

Life is too short to miss living it with passion. I love to hear stories of people who have had a defining moment or a special incident that changed their life forever and helped them impact other people's lives. One small statement might  be all that person needs to have the confidence they need to succeed.

Instead of telling someone not to try something and not to take a chance, how would their life be different if you told them they had a great idea and that they should work on it? If you don't apply for the job, how will you get it? If you don't make the artwork, how will you sell it? If you don't write the book, how will you be a best-selling author? If you don't encourage your child to play sports, how will he or she get the sports scholarship to college?

Encouragement and inspiration with your words are free and priceless. The price that people pay in their lives because they were discouraged about using their gifts and talents is monumental. People tend to hold on too long to the criticisms they receive during their lives. I've read many books about famous people and many have shared the discouraging words they received from parents or teachers along the way that almost changed the course of their lives forever.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Learning Curve and Connecting With Your Passion
Pipe line melody / Der Weg nach obenImage by alles-schlumpf via Flickr
For many of us, when we start moving in the direction of our life's passion, we might not have all the skills and all of the tools in place to be our best. It's so easy to procrastinate and hold back from doing things that will move us toward living the life we really desire.

Let's give an example. If you want to be a videographer and you're pretty broke, one option is to forget about your passion. This probably won't work because that inner voice will work on you and you'll probably have a hard time pushing away your gifts and talents. The second possibility is that you buy some video equipment that is inexpensive and just get started.

Imagine how great you'll feel by taking the action of moving forward to work on your craft. Another great way to move ahead when the balance in your checkbook is not what you had hoped for is to partner with others who already have the equipment that you need to do this work and pursue your passion. You also might consider bartering with others who have to equipment and experience to work with you or trade-off opportunities in exchange for your time and efforts.

Another way to get the tools you need to pursue your craft is to find people who believe in you who will sponsor your equipment. For some people, there are family members or friends who will back you, for others you might even need an angel investor to get your dreams off the ground.

Be patient with yourself and your skills more than critical about not being perfect.There's definitely a learning curve for everything that we do and practice is essential. Improvements come over time and it's really important to keep working on your craft, whatever that craft may be. 

This blog is really about encouraging you to look for all the possibilities you can to make your dreams come true. Once you start and even if you're working with less expensive or sophisticated equipment, you can always upgrade when the time is right. The world needs your gifts and talents and if you're going to attract the help that you need whether emotional, or financial, you have to take some steps to get out there and let people and the world know you exist. It's great that with online marketing we have the possibility of announcing our gifts and talents to the world almost instantly and connecting with people around the globe who we may never have met in this entire lifetime.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Animals and Children Teach Us To Find Joy and Wonder in Simplicity

Squirrel in the morning sunImage by John "K" via Flickr

There is just something so refreshing as animals and small children. I was inspired with these thoughts by the picture of a squirrel in the morning sun. One of the most amazing experiences was out in nature at the Grand Canyon observing the small animals on the side of the Grand Canyon and just wondering how they viewed this miraculous National Park.

Mornings bring a start to the day and the sunlight coming up and sparking on creation is so beautiful.The small creatures live in much more simplicity than we do. The squirrel at the Grand Canyon isn't thinking about the traffic jams we face heading back to the city  or how the stock market is doing today.

Children's eyes light up when they see new things. Children have a fresh perspective on the world and we should stop to enjoy what they say more often.
I love the questions children ask about nature as they explore the world and have many first-time experiences.

Approach today with fresh, innocent eyes and see how your day unfolds. Today is a beautiful day and it's wonderful to be part of it. Smile today and enjoy the world around you.

Tune-in to our Las Vegas success talk show called "Successipes" produced with a live studio audience and broadcast at . Follow us on Twitter at Successipes.
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Time Flies When You're Doing What You Love

Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it ...Image by ZedZap(Nick... NEVER slow ) via Flickr

It's amazing how quickly time seems to fly when you're working on a project that you love. On the other hand, if you are bored and unhappy, the time seems to stand still and it's a longer day on the job you don't like.

We are given signs and clues about whether we are on the right track to fulfill our life's purpose. When we are on a path that will keep us from less than our full potential, we often find more challenges.

The greatest question I have for you is: If you're not doing what you love now, when will you be starting ? Life is not like a vcr. It has not hold button to hang on to time. Life has no reverse button to bring back time you've already spent.

Every minute you use up today moves you closer to tomorrow. Embrace today and do something today that makes your heart sing. Find some time today to do something you love and you'll probably spend more time doing it because you won't realize how quickly time flies when you're enjoying yourself.

"Believe in what you do, soon others will too." "Anytime is a great time to be successful. Now would be fine." -Lori Wilk 

I recently interviewed an author, Elizabeth Power, who wrote a book about Getting Happier. You can visit Elizabeth's website at Tune-in to our daily Las Vegas success talk show broadcast at If you want to tell me what you'd like to accomplish it may be a great opportunity for you to be interviewed on an upcoming episode of Successipes.
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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Visualize Your Dreams and Inspire Your Progress Toward Achievement

Ajaccio - CorsicaImage by janusz l via Flickr

As the temperatures start to drop here in the desert, Las Vegas, I need a visual to help me work towards my dreams and to stay on track with my desires. For me, the visual is someplace hot and exotic and it can be Hawaii, the Caribbean, French Polynesia, RioDeJaneiro, or a beach in Australia. The key is that the warmth of the sun and beautiful water are what will keep me going.

I am convinced that my most successful work environment would be hot 365 days a year. I could absolutely do without Winter and would prefer to undress than dress in layers.

I envision speaking in all the islands and tropical destinations of the globe and writing more non-fiction on the sand. As I keep my visual of this lifestyle I attract in more opportunities that match my vision.

Take the time today to visualize what you want and exactly what it will look like and imagine that you already have it. Put the visual on your wall or keep it with you and look at it every day. You have the power to create the life you want if you'll start with the dream and the visual it will be easier to recognize when you've accomplished the dreams.

My visuals make me happy and I smile often. My eyes and face light up with excitement when I look at my visualized dreams. I expect that amazing things will happen along the way and I am glad to say that I have taken the dreams to the Caribbean and Hawaii and look forward to more tropical experiences soon.

My body wants the warm temperatures so my mind is going to create the business oppportunities to get me to these warm places. I'll be in the gym again tomorrow working on my body so I'm ready to wear that bikini and enjoy the warm sand.

Tune-in to our daily Las Vegas success talk show at Follow us on Twitter at Successipes and be part of our live studio audience by contacting
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Let Your Dreams Take Flight and Find Support For What You Love

Tufted titmouse / Mésange bicoloreImage by Eric Bégin via Flickr

A little birdie told me that you have a dream to fulfill and that this is your time to make that dream come alive. A dream is magical and can take flight if you find the support to help it take-off.

What if you gave yourself some love and know that your special gifts are meant to be shared with the world. For those of you who read my blogs you know that I am a firm believer in the power of the present and the urgency to live while we're here.

My father was tragically killed in an automobile wreck recently and it only made me believe even more in today. Dad was in excellent health and I have to say I considered him the "bionic dad" since he had hip replacements, knee replacements, and shoulder replacements. He was on the way home from a doctor appointment when he lost control of his vehicle and it flipped multiple times and then his life was abruptly ended by the internal bleeding. I was not there, but was told that it was all over in about three minutes.

If you don't try and put all your energy and passion into your dreams it's possible that they will not come true. Even using all of your life energy and determination is no guarantee of success, but if you put your notions in motion, things will happen. Many of the magical things that will happen in your life will be unexpected and wonderful. Having dreams and living with passion to fulfill them will make the struggles a little more tolerable.

I remember reading a book called" Even Eagles Need a Push" and it shares the fact that mother eagles have to push their little ones out of the nest so that they will ultimately fly.It must be so hard for the mother eagle to push her baby eagles out into the big world without a net. She reluctantly pushes and the baby eagles learn to soar on their own.

This push I give you to let your dreams take flight is gentle and supportive but still a push. It is backed up with a belief that I know you will have much more success if you take steps than if you do nothing. Please let me know what you are dreaming of and what you are doing to make your dreams come true.

It will also help you if you find a support network of one or more people who believe in your gifts and talents and can be honest with you and guide you towards the successes you desire. Stay away from those who do not share your vision. Avoid those who try to burst your bubble. Make more bubbles.

Tune-in to our live daily broadcast Las Vegas success talk show  Successipes. Send your questions or comments to
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Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Importance of Living Your Life While Your Alive

Description unavailableImage by Khalifa A Al-Matawaa via Flickr

The late night call came in. The one you never want to get. It was to inform me that my father had been killed in a car wreck. It was an absolute shock and once again proved to be a defining point for my life.

It took some arranging , then we went across the country to identify his body and make final arrangements.

The most profound times in my life have been when my loved ones have passed and I get this amazing push forward to do the work I'm meant to do in this lifetime. It is so tough and yet when someone you love leaves, you realize that we only have so much time to be alive to make our mark on the world.

There is an urgency in each day to live your life with passion and to love your life because it can end at any time.

Tune in to our Las Vegas success talk show daily and call-in or send us an e-mail with questions or comments at Successipes.
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Monday, November 9, 2009

The Risk, Rewards, and Payoff of Pursuing Your Dreams

An image of a compact disc - Pencil included f...Image via Wikipedia

I just opened my mail and found the latest cd from Michael Ray Tyler, Cool Breeze, a big band musical adventure and it's so awesome. It reminded me of the cost of following your heart to fulfill your life's dreams and to live your passion.

Cool Breeze is Michael Ray Tyler's 3rd album and CD, he's been working on his musical career and creations for more than 25 years. In order to pursue his musical gifts and make these albums he has had to sacrifice by working part-time as a music instructor and musician and has had to take the rest of his time to dedicate to his music.

If you calculate the loss of income he has sacrificed over the years to make his three albums, it's a fortune.
What's the risk of following your heart's desires and living your life to fulfill your passions? The rewards of knowing you are sharing your talents with the world during this lifetime cannot be measured in dollars.

The payoff is that you get to work at what you love and this is definitely better than hating your job. .
It's also important to remember that you don't get the Grammy if you don't make the music. Enjoy the music and passion in your heart and use your talents and gifts. There is a greater risk of unhappiness, depression, frustration, and disappointment if you don't pursue your passion. 

Tune-in to our Las Vegas daily success talk show "Successipes" produced with a live audience from Las Vegas. We encourage our listeners to call-in to talk to our guest experts on the show. For the show page and  details go to

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Be Patient With Yourself There's More to Do Than a Human can Handle

RelaxImage by Andras Jancsik via Flickr

You're ready to tackle online success with web domains, planning your social media, signing up for all the products and services and downloading so much, you've convinced yourself you're going to blog regularly, write articles, post everything, get your work in catalogs and directories and still have time to breathe.

All of a sudden, you're having an anxiety attack because you realize that this is a job for Superman and he's gone. You just are one human being and the key to success is not in believing or trying to do everything imaginable, it's in making a plan and working at it every day so that over time what you've accomplished is amazing.

Beside, if you stress too much you're going to damage yourself and then all this work means nothing.
I  have learned this lesson from friends with disabilities who often want to do more in a day and their disability doesn't make it possible so they have to adjust their expectations and be encouraged with the small significant steps and be less critical of themselves and any progress they make.

The key to long-term success is to be patient with yourself and to cheer yourself on by celebrating the smaller milestones. It helps to find a balance between work and sanity. You cannot push your body and mind 24 hours a day.

Today some of the Internet sites did not cooperate and links did not all work and codes did not work, and I just did lots of things more than once. In the end, I had done a few things and that means I am ahead of yesterday. I'm going to have some hot herbal tea and celebrate sharing these thought with you.

Tune-in to our daily Las Vegas success talk show at If you are going to be in Las Vegas and want to be part of our live studio audience send an e-mail to 
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Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Price of Pursuing Your Passion

337/365: The Big Money

There has been a consistent theme lately in my interviews who entrepreneurs who are actively pursuing their passions and that's they have been willing to pay the price to move ahead with their ideas, dreams, and pursuit of passion.

How much have these committed entrepreneurs been willing to risk to make their dreams come true? Recently I have heard the stories of business innovators who have mortgaged the roof over their heads to finance their start-ups and that is only something you dare to do when you are filled with passion and unstoppable determination that you will make the money you need to succeed .

Great stories to follow are the creator of the board game to help couples reconnect in their relationships or to establish closer bonds called "Synchrohearts." This game was created by Bobby Oneal of Vancouver, Canada and is available online at Entrepreneurs who have put their money where their mouth is and pursued possibilities for financing and growth with getting on Canada's reality show where capitalists consider financing businesses with their own money called the Dragon's Den. Bobby was on this show and did not get money from the Dragons and he still knew that his game has the right combination of intention, manufacturing in North America with women owned businesses, and helping others by providing a fun product which is easy to play, supportive of relationships and love, affordable entertainment, and created so that some of the proceed could benefit a non-profit organization that helps children. It's a winning combination of love, passion, excellence, guts, confidence and determination that will make  Synchrohearts a multi-million dollar success. That's my bet. You watch and see what happens with Bobby Oneal. It's going to be amazing.

I have a quote about pursuing your passions: "Persist and pursue. Make your dreams come true. Go after what you want because it won't go after you, until you've made it. " Think about what happens when athletes win gold medals. They are great when they compete, but we want to give them the multi-million-dollar contracts and endorsement deals the minute they win the gold medals. The medals serve as the validation that they've "made it." Once you've made it you are pursued.

Another couragious women with determination and persistence is Louise Maxwell, the founder of Louise has spent the last 3years developing a website to create a community for those with disabilities and for parents of children with disabilities. Louise is a disabled female entrepreneur who has been willing to take huge risks to see her website connect thousands who need to be connected.

Tune-in to our daily Las Vegas success talk show live 5PM-7PM PST and archived following the live broadcast at

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Beauty and the Risks of Taking a New Path to Your Dreams
The Way to ParadiseImage by Nick Chill via Flickr

As I write this blog today, there are many people who have decided to leave Corporate America. Well, it's possible that Corporate America may have invited them to leave their jobs and now they are faced with a new reality: finding a new path towards their dreams.

Hopefully, after the shock of being terminated from the job you might not have liked anyway wears off and you've slept in late for the first time in 20 years, you'll wake-up to a beautiful new world that you'll have to create for yourself. What an amazing opportunity and now is the time.

Some people have talked about the risks associated with trying new things. I like to think of the greater risk of dying without trying to live the life they've always wanted if they don't take a new direction.

Every successful person I've talked to in the last few months has become successful after leaving the thing they were doing before that. "When one door shuts, open a window." I think the theme for many people really needs to be" Thank-you, Bye." Too many people are waiting for the right time to make changes in their lives and the only time that we really know about is now.

Author Mike Robbins in his new book," Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken" shares the concept of authenticity with us. It's about time you are honest with yourself, forget being honest with those you love, start with being honest with yourself, and do something about situations you are not happy with. Today is the perfect day to have a dialogue with yourself about what's important to you.

The beauty of being alive is that you have an opportunity to make new decisions and to find fulfillment. Take the risks and be encouraged about all the possibilities.

Tune-in to our daily Las Vegas Live Success Talk Show "Successipes" at
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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Share Positive Messages with Your Children and Family

basketful of berriesImage by Darwin Bell via Flickr

I had a conversation today with a young lady in her 20's about hosting my talk show, interviewing guests, reading books, and learning from people. She explained that she is working as a cocktail waitress now but that she'd love to be a journalist.

I told her, "persist and pursue, make your dreams come true. Go after what you want because it won't go after you until you've made it." I shared with her the positive messages I tell my children, you're already alive it's time to live the life you want.

My advice to this waitress was to take action to fulfill her dreams and to believe that she can be a journalist. I told her to get started and then go out and interview someone on my show. I want to help others to experience that wonderful feeling of doing what you've always dreamed of. It just feels great.

If there's something you want to do, don't just envy someone doing it. Ask yourself, what steps do I need to take to make this happen for myself? How can this be accomplished? Who do I need to talk to for advice and guidance? How much money or time will I need to realistically succeed in this endeavor? How can I start and what can I do?

As adults, we need to set the example for our children and family by offering positive inspiration to those around us about pursuing our passions and living our dreams. The amazing thing about sharing positive thoughts is that they tend to spread.

The Boys and Girls Clubs of Las Vegas are coordinating a webcast series to be produced and hosted by teens about issues they are facing in their communities and families. Serious topics with participation and input and positve ideas for improvements and support. I have offered to help teens in the past with their communication skills and public speaking. This is a great opportunity for teens to learn about broadcasting, helping other teens, and to participate in positive helpful messages and projects.

Lots of people ask me how they can help others with positive messages and I tell them that there are so many organizations which need volunteers in addition to money. We can all do our part to share positive messages in our communities with families and children. Your energy and support is truly needed at this time.

Tune-in to our Las Vegas success talk show live weekdays at Listeners are encouraged to call-in to our show and speak to our guest experts or to send an e-mail with questions you'd like answered on-air.

The Mystery of Internet Marketing and Social Media Success

It's not an uncommon theme to desire to live your passion. In fact, with so many people leaving their traditional employment either by their own choice or their company making that choice, there's lots of soul searching out there about what to do with our lives from this point forward.

Passion is wonderful and yet, in this world of Internet online business, Internet marketing, social media, blogging, writing articles, website developments, and search engine optimization, and traffic , even those with passion can get caught up in the mystery of how to effectively do all this and still proceed with living your passion.

There are more web pages to navigate than you could do in a lifetime, so what can you do to solve some of the online success mysteries? The best advice is not to let yourself get overwhelmed. Think of a jigsaw puzzle. What do you do first? You create the framework or the foundation if you're building something. Start with the framework and then decide the key pieces you need to help finish the puzzle.

Make a business plan for your online social media, article writing and submission, blogs, and website development to include generating traffic and search engine optimization. Then, break the plan into daily or weekly segments and work the plan.

What seemed overwhelming and almost impossible at first actually can become a successful reality. I have a daily social media and online success log and I do something every day. Of course being human, I sometimes decide to go on Twitter every day and don't make it that day and tweet twice the next day so there is some balancing necessary in your plans.

Appreciate and recognize your personal success, even if it's not apparent in the marketplace yet. What does that mean? Congratulate yourself because you contributed to the world today with your blog or article. Remember, if you do something every day to move in the direction of your dreams, goals, passions, and desires, look what you'll be able to reflect back on 365 days down the road.

Success is accomplished one day at a time and you can get ideas about what is working for others in your field online by searching places like Google under your field and looking at the websites and information about those who are on the first few pages of your search.

I have made hugely valuable contacts from around the globe on Twitter and by reading other peoples blogs and articles about topics I need to know more about. For social media I was so impressed with Mashable and the articles I read from there.

I looked at stats recently at Twitterholic and realized that even those who have the most followers on Twitter did not achieve results instantly. Most of us are guilty of expecting to do something and see the result much faster than is realistic. We're spoiled with instant everything. Business is built over time and even the best have had to take the time to get results. Enjoy the day and do something positive that will benefit your efforts.

Tune-in to our Las Vegas success live talk show at To participate in our show you can call-in to the live broadcast or send emails to with questions for our guest experts about success in business and living.
To be a guest on the show, please contact Lori about your topic and how you can help our listeners.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Smile and Enjoy the Journey to Your Success

A smile is worth a thousand words....EXPLORE.....

We forgot that on our life journey there will be challenges and issues to resolve and how important it is to smile and laugh along the way.

What can we do on a daily basis to increase our happiness factor? Try new experiences and remind yourself to have some fun.

Many of you might be saying that fun tends to be expensive. There are so many ways to have some laughs and lots of them are free or very affordable.

There's a movie rental system called the Red Box available around the country where the movie rentals are only $1 a day. If you need to lighten up you can get a comedy for a $1 and enjoy 90 minutes to 2 hours of entertainment. Movies let you experience something other than your own personal situation and are excellent diversions.
One night after Halloween a few years ago I took a violet colored wig and dressed up to go play bingo. It was funny watching people stare at my violet hair and whisper. I laughed and had fun playing bingo.

In many neighborhoods they have built dog runs and you can really be entertained by the actions of a group of dogs that get together and have freedom to run and play. I've sat near the dog runs to watch the people observing their pets and to learn from the animals about just being carefree and having fun.

What can you do to smile and enjoy if you live in a place where the weather is not all that great? My recommendation would be to take a field trip to a local shopping mall for a cup of coffee and some interaction with people. I like window shopping and walking around the mall to see what people are buying and to look at the latest fashion trends.

I laughed when I talked to one of the retailers of jeans and asked if they had any sizes available to cover my whole backside, not just a portion of my rear end. I am surprised at how many people are willing to spend money to own something of the latest trend that makes them look horrible.
There's even a web site about happiness called
I spoke to a man who has been dealing with medical issues and asked him how he continues on every day with serious problems. Danny explained that he visits the children in the Cancer wards of the hospital and brings ice cream for them twice a wee. He smiles knowing he's helping these sick children to be happy and have some fun. He explained that he feels uplifted knowing he can participate in making others feel better.
Tune-in to our Las Vegas success talk show live weekdays from 5PM-7PM at

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Smile and Remember toHave Fun on Your Life Journey

SmileImage via Wikipedia

I describe the current economic conditions as an adjustment cycle with endless opportunities. Many people who were previously working for years in jobs, paying their bills, buying goods and services, and generally living, have been fired from those jobs and now have to take a new path.

It was like somebody pulled the plug on the economy and let the air out.
Life has many challenges and it's so easy to feel overwhelmed by issues. The best advice I can give you today is to smile and enjoy the day and take the issues one at a time, not collectively.

Laughter is great and it has health benefits. What is it going to take to get you to smile today. Figure it out. If you're stuck, get unstuck, turn on the comedy station and don't turn it off until you're laughing.

If you prefer movies, you might want to find one of those Red Box Machines where you can rent a movie for $1 for the night and check out a few movies listed as "comedy." There are other fun ways to laugh, I put on a funny colored wig one night and went to a bingo parlor to watch people going crazy dobbing their papers trying to win a game of bingo. It was fun. People watching is humorous.

For some people, the easiest way to smile is to go to a nearby mall and start walking around and observe people's shopping habits and how they dress to go out of the house. Another very popular phenomena is the 99cent store or Dollar Stores and more people are seeking out these lower priced alternative stores for their shopping needs. It's kind of fun to walk around the stores where everyone is looking for bargains.

Another way to smile is to go to a neighborhood dog walk and watch the people who are taking their dogs out and how the dogs interact with each other. In our neighborhood the dog walk is fenced-in and all the dog owners sit on benches watching the dogs in the dog run area. Sometimes people will throw a ball for the dogs to chase and you just smile. It's easy to forget about your problems and smile if you're watching the dogs have fun. It's light entertainment.

Smiling and laughing is contagious, so spread some around today and brighten other people up along the way.

Tune-in to our Las Vegas success talk show "Successipes" live daily at and follow us on Twitter at Successipes.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Be Inspired and Share Your Inspiration With Others

Lights OutImage by digitaltree515 via Flickr

When you feel inspired it's uplifting and energizing. You can't wait to participate in each new day. You know you are in the passion zone because you can't wait to do more.

Once you are inspired, imagine if you could share the feeling of joy and happiness with other people and they could be inspired.

Encourage others to use their gifts and talents and to spread happiness by being happy themselves and using the talents they came here to share with the world.

Parents should recognize their childrens' interests and nourish those interests. It is not unusual for a child to know what they really want in their heart and if you allow them to shine, they will.

I met a fashion designer named Rachel who had created a beautiful line of resortwear. She was on a cruise ship displaying her designs and I hosted her fashion show. Her father did not believe in her talents and destroyed the computer with all of her designs. How horrible that a parent could not be inspired to support his daughters creative talents.

Tune-in to our live Las Vegas success talk show daily from 5PM-7PM PST or listen to archived talk show episodes at Our phone lines are open during the show for your participation with our guests.

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Boost the Way You Feel Even If Your Partner Doesn't Feel Great

Bringing smexy back.

In relationships, life factors and phsyical conditions can alter the way you feel. In a relationship, both partners don't always feel emotionally or physically the same.

To have both parties depressed is of no benefit to the relationship or couple. If one of the two parties has physical or emotional problems the other partner does not have to take the same pathway and spiral downward.

How can you help the situation or relationship? Take the time to boost the way you feel and there will be a positive impact. At minimum, it won't hurt to make yourself feel good.

How can you boost the way that you feel. One of the easiest and totally free ways to help yourself is to move your body and take a walk. Walking is great for your circulation and it's less stressful on your body than running.

Another great way to feel good is to do something that is pampering. Simple pampering can be to take a bath, even better, take an aromatherapy bath with scents that you find pleasant. Personal maintenance such as doing your nails or rubbing lotion on your skin can be wonderful.
Many people say that if the budget is tight, spending money for extensive hair treatments is just not workable. Check around your community for listings of beauty schools or massage therapy schools where you can get some of these services done by students who are completing their educational programs at a very reduced and more affordable rate.

When you feel good, you'll have more emotional strength to cope with partnership stresses.
If you exercise and have more physical strength it will boost your ability to cope with physical or emotional stresses in your relationships. There's nothing bad about feeling good. The sooner, the better.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lessons from My Yorkie, Fenway You Can be Small and Powerful

My cousin's Yorkshire Terrier.

My yorkie, Fenway, was named after the baseball field, because he was so fast. He weighed about 4lbs. and had a really big personality. He didn't know he was small and he had a confident strut.

He loved to be around people, to run in the grass, and feel the fresh air blowing in the wind.
Fenway loved to run and was not afraid. He was unfortunately too impulsive one day and no longer with us. He just was so excited to be with us and to go places.

He enjoyed posing for pictures with beautiful models in photo shoots and appeared on my children's television show with the cast more than once. Fenway was very patient with children and got along with other animals. We had a chocolate Lab named Bear who was his constant companion. Together the two dogs were a team. They played in the yard and hunted for animals around the property.

Fenway was always ready for adventure and believed that he was so much bigger than his size.He was a great pet and wonderful companion. Fenway travelled with us to the Florida Keys and other areas around Florida and Georgia.
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Believe In What You Do, Soon Others Will Too

happy valentines day - pink gerbera with a hea...Image by Vanessa Pike-Russell via Flickr
Focus on the positive. In order to make your dreams come true, you first need dreams. Then, you have to believe in yourself and not let go of the dream. Feed your dreams with love and hope.
"Persist and Pursue, Make Your Dreams Come True, Go After What You Want, Because it Won't Go After You...until you've made it.

Think about the talents of our best athletes. They go into competitions ready to win. The advertisers and sponsors start to pursue them as soon as they win the Gold medals. Once they win, they are acknowledged as having "made it."

We are her to help you feel encouraged and offer hope for what you do and want to accomplish. Our talk show Successipes is our  live daily success talk show broadcast with a studio audience  from Las Vegas with guests who help us to be more successful in business and living at You can tune-in and listen or call-in and talk to our experts, ask questions, or make comments to help others.

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Soulful Encounters Website a Labor of Love to Help Other with Disabilities

You are in my Heart till the sun will never sh...

The website dedicated to helping and creating community for those with disabilities created by Louise Maxwell of Canada was the talk of tonights' episode of Successipes.

You couldn't help but be impressed with the support that Louise Maxwell, the creator and owner of Soulful received today from members who admire and respect her efforts to help others despite dealing with her own disabilities .

Disabled members of reached out to express thanks and love for Louise. They told us how generous, dedicated, and caring she has been and they encouraged her to continue with her efforts.

Louise explained to Successipes listeners that she needs help to attract more members to the site, would love to have a disabled person who understands the market helping her find advertisers and support. All media assistance would make a huge difference because she has put her heart and money into this project and wants it to grow so she can help more disabled people and the parents of those with disabilites.

According to Louise, the members in the United States have told her about many of the challenges they've faced in getting medical attention and in being able to afford medications.
She explained that her membership has grown since she started the social network two years ago and it she prays she can continue providing this supportive community site.

Tune-in to  our daily Las Vegas success talk show called  Successipes at
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Say Yes to Yourself and Make Moves Towards Your Dreams

Autumn Bee HarvestImage by Ken Snyder Photog via Flickr

Today is your day to say "Yes" to your heart's desires. You can say "yes" to yourself. Open the door to all the possibilities you can imagine by saying "Yes."

Many people are afraid to say "Yes" to their dreams and to take action on their desires. They are worried about making the right business and personal moves.

A participant in one of my seminars told me that in order to be anywhere other than where you are right now, you need to make moves. Not all moves will be perfect, but moves are good because they take you places.

Where do you want to go? If you say " no" to yourself, you just won't make it happen. Stopping yourself from living the life you want and desire will delay the process. I do not advocate putting life on hold. There is no "hold" button on life. There is no "reverse" button to take you back for what you've missed. Today ends today. That's urgency. You can't have a refund on today and get it back. Gone.

My mottos are "now would be fine" and "patience is for those who are willing to wait. Sorry, I'm not patient." My dad gave me, "Contentment is for those who are dead." Life is too short so say "Yes." It will be more interesting than " no." When you say " no" you stop some stuff from happening.

It's highly unlikely that people are going out of their way today to come to your door, and drag you all the way to success. Nobody is coming to beg you to please share your gifts and talents with the rest of us. You have to say "Yes" to yourself and take some actions.

Can you open your heart and listen to that inner voice that you've shut off before and allow yourself to follow a new pathway towards fulfillment?

What if "No, is not an option?"

Tune-in to Successipes live from Las Vegas daily and follow us on Twitter at Successipes.


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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Your Energy Effects Others : Keep It Positive

a second later, the poppy winked out of existe...

Individuals have energy. Groups have energy. Events have energy. Buildings have energy. Businesses have energy. As the energy we are exposed to changes, the way we feel changes too.

Many of us have been taught to understand the financial aspects of business .Not all financially saavy business owners know how to motivate the people inside their company by adjusting energy.

If you are already successful with business principles and logic, you can be more well-rounded if you understand how energy impacts your business, customers and staff.

Energy-personal energy is powerful and fluid. It is technically invisible to the naked eye, but its results are apparent. We don't see the stream of energy flowing through
our bodies. We can see and often feel the results of what energy moves, influences, impacts, changes, helps or hinders with its presence.

We are human and sometimes we get so busy, we forget. Our five senses are a part
of us and how we feel effects us and others in our lives. We must learn to use our energy
and sensory gifts for better results.

Before reading this you might not have calculated the business energy factors into your corporate profitability but, I'll bet you have noticed days when the energy level is off and things don't seem to be going right or smoothly.

You might ask yourself, "What's wrong here?" and "How do I fix it?" My question to you would be have you looked at your people power and checked the energy level of those in your workplace?

The energy that moves businesses to higher level of productivity and profitability are strong, constant, and positive.

Tune-in to  our live daily success talk show called  Successipes at Our show has expert guest interviews and a live call-in for your participation. We offer daily success recipes to help you in business and living. Successipes is broadcast live from Las Vegas with a studio audience and is hosted by Lori Wilk
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You're Passion Energizes Your Ideas and Draws Positive Energy To You


Your passion has energy and it is contagious. I interviewed some business owners about what type of people they hire. Consistently across every industry they all told me they want people with "passion that won't quit."

If you are passionate about your skills, gifts, products, or services the passion will be obvious to those you meet whether in person or one the phone. Your passion will also help you attract others who have your energy into your life.

Passion and positive energy expands and it's wonderful.
How do people know the power of your passion? Your passion is in your eyes when they see you and it's in your voice when they hear you. They know you are passionate and they feel good connecting with you.

"Live your passion. Love your life." - Lori Wilk

Tune-in to Successipes live Las Vegas success talk show  for more ideas on how to be successful in business and living at Follow us on Twitter at Successipes.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Let Your Heart Guide Your Head

Clover Bloom

Your heart tells you there's a dream waiting to come alive and it's a strong desire that you can't ignore It won't leave you alone, it works on you and you feel it's influence. In your head, your hearing the voice of caution and you are questioning your heart's desires.

If you share your hearts' passion with others, you might be disappointed by their negativity. Unfortunately, too many people are discouraged by others to stop pursuing their passions.

We need to be more encouraged to persist until we have achieved our goals. Find positive support whether you need to join a group of others who share your passion or to create that group yourself.

As parents, we should be looking for signs of our children's passion and do everything we can to help them develop their gifts and talents. The demands in society to live and pay bills can take a toll on following your heart's song. Sometimes years are wasted on jobs people don't love . Time moves on whether or not you live your passion .

"Believe in what you do, soon others will too." -Lori Wilk

Tune-in to our live daily success talk show called "Successipes." We invite you to  participate in our live talk show where you have the opportunity to  call-in and talk to our expert guests, you can listen to the live broadcasts from Las Vegas, share the episodes  by e-mail with frieds and family, or download anytime later 24/7 as many times as you wish at

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