Thursday, October 29, 2009

Be Inspired and Share Your Inspiration With Others

Lights OutImage by digitaltree515 via Flickr

When you feel inspired it's uplifting and energizing. You can't wait to participate in each new day. You know you are in the passion zone because you can't wait to do more.

Once you are inspired, imagine if you could share the feeling of joy and happiness with other people and they could be inspired.

Encourage others to use their gifts and talents and to spread happiness by being happy themselves and using the talents they came here to share with the world.

Parents should recognize their childrens' interests and nourish those interests. It is not unusual for a child to know what they really want in their heart and if you allow them to shine, they will.

I met a fashion designer named Rachel who had created a beautiful line of resortwear. She was on a cruise ship displaying her designs and I hosted her fashion show. Her father did not believe in her talents and destroyed the computer with all of her designs. How horrible that a parent could not be inspired to support his daughters creative talents.

Tune-in to our live Las Vegas success talk show daily from 5PM-7PM PST or listen to archived talk show episodes at Our phone lines are open during the show for your participation with our guests.

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Boost the Way You Feel Even If Your Partner Doesn't Feel Great

Bringing smexy back.

In relationships, life factors and phsyical conditions can alter the way you feel. In a relationship, both partners don't always feel emotionally or physically the same.

To have both parties depressed is of no benefit to the relationship or couple. If one of the two parties has physical or emotional problems the other partner does not have to take the same pathway and spiral downward.

How can you help the situation or relationship? Take the time to boost the way you feel and there will be a positive impact. At minimum, it won't hurt to make yourself feel good.

How can you boost the way that you feel. One of the easiest and totally free ways to help yourself is to move your body and take a walk. Walking is great for your circulation and it's less stressful on your body than running.

Another great way to feel good is to do something that is pampering. Simple pampering can be to take a bath, even better, take an aromatherapy bath with scents that you find pleasant. Personal maintenance such as doing your nails or rubbing lotion on your skin can be wonderful.
Many people say that if the budget is tight, spending money for extensive hair treatments is just not workable. Check around your community for listings of beauty schools or massage therapy schools where you can get some of these services done by students who are completing their educational programs at a very reduced and more affordable rate.

When you feel good, you'll have more emotional strength to cope with partnership stresses.
If you exercise and have more physical strength it will boost your ability to cope with physical or emotional stresses in your relationships. There's nothing bad about feeling good. The sooner, the better.

Tune-in to our daily success  talk show live from Las Vegas at

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lessons from My Yorkie, Fenway You Can be Small and Powerful

My cousin's Yorkshire Terrier.

My yorkie, Fenway, was named after the baseball field, because he was so fast. He weighed about 4lbs. and had a really big personality. He didn't know he was small and he had a confident strut.

He loved to be around people, to run in the grass, and feel the fresh air blowing in the wind.
Fenway loved to run and was not afraid. He was unfortunately too impulsive one day and no longer with us. He just was so excited to be with us and to go places.

He enjoyed posing for pictures with beautiful models in photo shoots and appeared on my children's television show with the cast more than once. Fenway was very patient with children and got along with other animals. We had a chocolate Lab named Bear who was his constant companion. Together the two dogs were a team. They played in the yard and hunted for animals around the property.

Fenway was always ready for adventure and believed that he was so much bigger than his size.He was a great pet and wonderful companion. Fenway travelled with us to the Florida Keys and other areas around Florida and Georgia.
Tune-in to our daily talk show with live call-in to speak to our guests at

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Believe In What You Do, Soon Others Will Too

happy valentines day - pink gerbera with a hea...Image by Vanessa Pike-Russell via Flickr
Focus on the positive. In order to make your dreams come true, you first need dreams. Then, you have to believe in yourself and not let go of the dream. Feed your dreams with love and hope.
"Persist and Pursue, Make Your Dreams Come True, Go After What You Want, Because it Won't Go After You...until you've made it.

Think about the talents of our best athletes. They go into competitions ready to win. The advertisers and sponsors start to pursue them as soon as they win the Gold medals. Once they win, they are acknowledged as having "made it."

We are her to help you feel encouraged and offer hope for what you do and want to accomplish. Our talk show Successipes is our  live daily success talk show broadcast with a studio audience  from Las Vegas with guests who help us to be more successful in business and living at You can tune-in and listen or call-in and talk to our experts, ask questions, or make comments to help others.

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Soulful Encounters Website a Labor of Love to Help Other with Disabilities

You are in my Heart till the sun will never sh...

The website dedicated to helping and creating community for those with disabilities created by Louise Maxwell of Canada was the talk of tonights' episode of Successipes.

You couldn't help but be impressed with the support that Louise Maxwell, the creator and owner of Soulful received today from members who admire and respect her efforts to help others despite dealing with her own disabilities .

Disabled members of reached out to express thanks and love for Louise. They told us how generous, dedicated, and caring she has been and they encouraged her to continue with her efforts.

Louise explained to Successipes listeners that she needs help to attract more members to the site, would love to have a disabled person who understands the market helping her find advertisers and support. All media assistance would make a huge difference because she has put her heart and money into this project and wants it to grow so she can help more disabled people and the parents of those with disabilites.

According to Louise, the members in the United States have told her about many of the challenges they've faced in getting medical attention and in being able to afford medications.
She explained that her membership has grown since she started the social network two years ago and it she prays she can continue providing this supportive community site.

Tune-in to  our daily Las Vegas success talk show called  Successipes at
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Say Yes to Yourself and Make Moves Towards Your Dreams

Autumn Bee HarvestImage by Ken Snyder Photog via Flickr

Today is your day to say "Yes" to your heart's desires. You can say "yes" to yourself. Open the door to all the possibilities you can imagine by saying "Yes."

Many people are afraid to say "Yes" to their dreams and to take action on their desires. They are worried about making the right business and personal moves.

A participant in one of my seminars told me that in order to be anywhere other than where you are right now, you need to make moves. Not all moves will be perfect, but moves are good because they take you places.

Where do you want to go? If you say " no" to yourself, you just won't make it happen. Stopping yourself from living the life you want and desire will delay the process. I do not advocate putting life on hold. There is no "hold" button on life. There is no "reverse" button to take you back for what you've missed. Today ends today. That's urgency. You can't have a refund on today and get it back. Gone.

My mottos are "now would be fine" and "patience is for those who are willing to wait. Sorry, I'm not patient." My dad gave me, "Contentment is for those who are dead." Life is too short so say "Yes." It will be more interesting than " no." When you say " no" you stop some stuff from happening.

It's highly unlikely that people are going out of their way today to come to your door, and drag you all the way to success. Nobody is coming to beg you to please share your gifts and talents with the rest of us. You have to say "Yes" to yourself and take some actions.

Can you open your heart and listen to that inner voice that you've shut off before and allow yourself to follow a new pathway towards fulfillment?

What if "No, is not an option?"

Tune-in to Successipes live from Las Vegas daily and follow us on Twitter at Successipes.


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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Your Energy Effects Others : Keep It Positive

a second later, the poppy winked out of existe...

Individuals have energy. Groups have energy. Events have energy. Buildings have energy. Businesses have energy. As the energy we are exposed to changes, the way we feel changes too.

Many of us have been taught to understand the financial aspects of business .Not all financially saavy business owners know how to motivate the people inside their company by adjusting energy.

If you are already successful with business principles and logic, you can be more well-rounded if you understand how energy impacts your business, customers and staff.

Energy-personal energy is powerful and fluid. It is technically invisible to the naked eye, but its results are apparent. We don't see the stream of energy flowing through
our bodies. We can see and often feel the results of what energy moves, influences, impacts, changes, helps or hinders with its presence.

We are human and sometimes we get so busy, we forget. Our five senses are a part
of us and how we feel effects us and others in our lives. We must learn to use our energy
and sensory gifts for better results.

Before reading this you might not have calculated the business energy factors into your corporate profitability but, I'll bet you have noticed days when the energy level is off and things don't seem to be going right or smoothly.

You might ask yourself, "What's wrong here?" and "How do I fix it?" My question to you would be have you looked at your people power and checked the energy level of those in your workplace?

The energy that moves businesses to higher level of productivity and profitability are strong, constant, and positive.

Tune-in to  our live daily success talk show called  Successipes at Our show has expert guest interviews and a live call-in for your participation. We offer daily success recipes to help you in business and living. Successipes is broadcast live from Las Vegas with a studio audience and is hosted by Lori Wilk
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You're Passion Energizes Your Ideas and Draws Positive Energy To You


Your passion has energy and it is contagious. I interviewed some business owners about what type of people they hire. Consistently across every industry they all told me they want people with "passion that won't quit."

If you are passionate about your skills, gifts, products, or services the passion will be obvious to those you meet whether in person or one the phone. Your passion will also help you attract others who have your energy into your life.

Passion and positive energy expands and it's wonderful.
How do people know the power of your passion? Your passion is in your eyes when they see you and it's in your voice when they hear you. They know you are passionate and they feel good connecting with you.

"Live your passion. Love your life." - Lori Wilk

Tune-in to Successipes live Las Vegas success talk show  for more ideas on how to be successful in business and living at Follow us on Twitter at Successipes.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Let Your Heart Guide Your Head

Clover Bloom

Your heart tells you there's a dream waiting to come alive and it's a strong desire that you can't ignore It won't leave you alone, it works on you and you feel it's influence. In your head, your hearing the voice of caution and you are questioning your heart's desires.

If you share your hearts' passion with others, you might be disappointed by their negativity. Unfortunately, too many people are discouraged by others to stop pursuing their passions.

We need to be more encouraged to persist until we have achieved our goals. Find positive support whether you need to join a group of others who share your passion or to create that group yourself.

As parents, we should be looking for signs of our children's passion and do everything we can to help them develop their gifts and talents. The demands in society to live and pay bills can take a toll on following your heart's song. Sometimes years are wasted on jobs people don't love . Time moves on whether or not you live your passion .

"Believe in what you do, soon others will too." -Lori Wilk

Tune-in to our live daily success talk show called "Successipes." We invite you to  participate in our live talk show where you have the opportunity to  call-in and talk to our expert guests, you can listen to the live broadcasts from Las Vegas, share the episodes  by e-mail with frieds and family, or download anytime later 24/7 as many times as you wish at

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

You're Alive, The Light is Green: Go

Traffic lights can have several additional lig...Image via Wikipedia
Sandi Silverman taught me this life lesson in Miami years ago when we were sitting in a traffic jam, "In America, we go on Green." Many times, after her mom passed away from breast cancer, I remebered those words. With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month it's a great time to reflect on these memories.

There's a parallel between the light being green and our lives. When we're born, the light to live our lives and go is green. One day, the light will turn red.

What would happen if you were stopped at a red light and it suddenly turned green and you just didn't go. You'd probably get killed. It's deadly and tragic not to live your life while you're alive and we are all here with a life of signals.

If you are not moving on your life's passion and dreams is it because you don't believe that you have to get them in motion during your lifetime or has someone made you believe that the light is yellow or red? The yellow and the red represent caution and paralysis by analysis , fear, and stopping in your tracks instead of moving ahead.

Life is meant for living. One day at a time. In America, we do go on green and your light is green. This blog is sent to you for love and support and the hopes that you will share your passions with the world.

Please use this blog someone who needs to hear that the light is green. Live your passion and love your life. Move past your fears and doubts into action. Share the love.

Tune-in to our live daily success talk show and broadcast  from Las for more ideas about success, personal development, and positive living at Send your questions or comments to
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How to Follow Your Passion for Successful Living

How many people do you think are currently living and working by their passion and loving their life? Have you talked to anyone lately who is not excited about their work? The word "work" has a negative connotation. It makes us tired, not inspired. Love and passion is missing from their lives and it shows.

Do you wake up in the morning to fulfill your life's passions and dreams or to fill a time card?
The time factor is the same. The difference is when you love what you are doing, you don't focus on the length of time you dedicate to the efforts. When you hate your job, the people you work with, and the working conditions and job environment, you watch your watch.

Life is too short anyway to waste your precious time watching the clock waiting for the time to leave. Have you ever wanted to quit your job and stayed anyway. Have you ever used the words "I have to ?" Comedian Bill Engvall would probably tell you that watching the time pass would be some sort of sign that your time-wasting activity needs to go.

Did you get the memo? You have choices while you're alive and opportunities. You have a responsibility to the world to use your gifts and talents . Why do you think you were born with your talents?

As a society we pay a huge price when people go through the motions of living without the passion of loving their work, their lives, and themselves. What would happen if doctors had to give out passion prescriptions and require their patients to live their dreams.

We need to find a new path to prosperity and it starts with recognizing our passions and planting seeds so they bloom.

Some people are so worried about finding a job that they probably won't like that they ignore their heart signals. You body registers the stress of your choices and responds. How do you feel?
Do you feel tired, angry, frustrated, are you getting more headaches, backaches, neck pains, strains, or other illnesses more frequently? Your body is telling you how your current pathway is burdening your body and taking away your vital life-energy.

You can choose to take this time in history as one of huge opportunity for you to finally go within and unleash your passion. What makes your heart sing? What are you good at ? Shouldn't you take the time to be great? The world needs you. You are a valuable treasure.

I have a quote" When there's a yes in your heart, keep no from your head." Let your heart lead your head. Is it scary to open up new pathways? Yes. You are the only one who can do it. Nobody can do it for you.

Some people wonder why I focus on creating the life you dream of starting today. Today you have more time than you will ever have in your life. Each day we're alive we have a little less time. You're light is green. You are alive. It's time to live your passions.

Here's a few steps you can take. 1. Get inspired. 2. Act on the inspiration and stay inspired. 3. Share the Inspiration with others. Prescription for living your passion: Add a little of what you love to every day and soon you'll love everyday.

Tune-in to our live Las Vegas success talk show produced with a live studio audience and broadcast 5PM-7PM PST. You can listen to the live show or download archived episodes later at
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