Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Mystery of Internet Marketing and Social Media Success

It's not an uncommon theme to desire to live your passion. In fact, with so many people leaving their traditional employment either by their own choice or their company making that choice, there's lots of soul searching out there about what to do with our lives from this point forward.

Passion is wonderful and yet, in this world of Internet online business, Internet marketing, social media, blogging, writing articles, website developments, and search engine optimization, and traffic , even those with passion can get caught up in the mystery of how to effectively do all this and still proceed with living your passion.

There are more web pages to navigate than you could do in a lifetime, so what can you do to solve some of the online success mysteries? The best advice is not to let yourself get overwhelmed. Think of a jigsaw puzzle. What do you do first? You create the framework or the foundation if you're building something. Start with the framework and then decide the key pieces you need to help finish the puzzle.

Make a business plan for your online social media, article writing and submission, blogs, and website development to include generating traffic and search engine optimization. Then, break the plan into daily or weekly segments and work the plan.

What seemed overwhelming and almost impossible at first actually can become a successful reality. I have a daily social media and online success log and I do something every day. Of course being human, I sometimes decide to go on Twitter every day and don't make it that day and tweet twice the next day so there is some balancing necessary in your plans.

Appreciate and recognize your personal success, even if it's not apparent in the marketplace yet. What does that mean? Congratulate yourself because you contributed to the world today with your blog or article. Remember, if you do something every day to move in the direction of your dreams, goals, passions, and desires, look what you'll be able to reflect back on 365 days down the road.

Success is accomplished one day at a time and you can get ideas about what is working for others in your field online by searching places like Google under your field and looking at the websites and information about those who are on the first few pages of your search.

I have made hugely valuable contacts from around the globe on Twitter and by reading other peoples blogs and articles about topics I need to know more about. For social media I was so impressed with Mashable and the articles I read from there.

I looked at stats recently at Twitterholic and realized that even those who have the most followers on Twitter did not achieve results instantly. Most of us are guilty of expecting to do something and see the result much faster than is realistic. We're spoiled with instant everything. Business is built over time and even the best have had to take the time to get results. Enjoy the day and do something positive that will benefit your efforts.

Tune-in to our Las Vegas success live talk show at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/successipes. To participate in our show you can call-in to the live broadcast or send emails to lori@successipes.com with questions for our guest experts about success in business and living.
To be a guest on the show, please contact Lori about your topic and how you can help our listeners.

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