Thursday, October 22, 2009

You're Alive, The Light is Green: Go

Traffic lights can have several additional lig...Image via Wikipedia
Sandi Silverman taught me this life lesson in Miami years ago when we were sitting in a traffic jam, "In America, we go on Green." Many times, after her mom passed away from breast cancer, I remebered those words. With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month it's a great time to reflect on these memories.

There's a parallel between the light being green and our lives. When we're born, the light to live our lives and go is green. One day, the light will turn red.

What would happen if you were stopped at a red light and it suddenly turned green and you just didn't go. You'd probably get killed. It's deadly and tragic not to live your life while you're alive and we are all here with a life of signals.

If you are not moving on your life's passion and dreams is it because you don't believe that you have to get them in motion during your lifetime or has someone made you believe that the light is yellow or red? The yellow and the red represent caution and paralysis by analysis , fear, and stopping in your tracks instead of moving ahead.

Life is meant for living. One day at a time. In America, we do go on green and your light is green. This blog is sent to you for love and support and the hopes that you will share your passions with the world.

Please use this blog someone who needs to hear that the light is green. Live your passion and love your life. Move past your fears and doubts into action. Share the love.

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