Sunday, December 13, 2009

Inspire Someone Today to Share Their Special Talents with the World

{{w|Joel Osteen}}, pastor.Image via Wikipedia
Joel Osteen said in his sermon today that you should speak the blessings onto others and this made me realize that we help others by encouraging them. How many times have you heard parents who were knocking their kids and talking about them in a negative manner. This is damaging and some children just never forget. They grow up with emotional issues because they never felt supported by their parents.

Joel Osteen, in his now #1 New York Times bestselling book, It's Your Time,"  encourages people to live their dreams and move ahead to live their passion and as I say here, love your life. As we move towards the holidays and people are out shopping for gifts, it's great to think about doing something to encourage someone and change their life forever.

Life is too short to miss living it with passion. I love to hear stories of people who have had a defining moment or a special incident that changed their life forever and helped them impact other people's lives. One small statement might  be all that person needs to have the confidence they need to succeed.

Instead of telling someone not to try something and not to take a chance, how would their life be different if you told them they had a great idea and that they should work on it? If you don't apply for the job, how will you get it? If you don't make the artwork, how will you sell it? If you don't write the book, how will you be a best-selling author? If you don't encourage your child to play sports, how will he or she get the sports scholarship to college?

Encouragement and inspiration with your words are free and priceless. The price that people pay in their lives because they were discouraged about using their gifts and talents is monumental. People tend to hold on too long to the criticisms they receive during their lives. I've read many books about famous people and many have shared the discouraging words they received from parents or teachers along the way that almost changed the course of their lives forever.

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