Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Learning Curve and Connecting With Your Passion
Pipe line melody / Der Weg nach obenImage by alles-schlumpf via Flickr
For many of us, when we start moving in the direction of our life's passion, we might not have all the skills and all of the tools in place to be our best. It's so easy to procrastinate and hold back from doing things that will move us toward living the life we really desire.

Let's give an example. If you want to be a videographer and you're pretty broke, one option is to forget about your passion. This probably won't work because that inner voice will work on you and you'll probably have a hard time pushing away your gifts and talents. The second possibility is that you buy some video equipment that is inexpensive and just get started.

Imagine how great you'll feel by taking the action of moving forward to work on your craft. Another great way to move ahead when the balance in your checkbook is not what you had hoped for is to partner with others who already have the equipment that you need to do this work and pursue your passion. You also might consider bartering with others who have to equipment and experience to work with you or trade-off opportunities in exchange for your time and efforts.

Another way to get the tools you need to pursue your craft is to find people who believe in you who will sponsor your equipment. For some people, there are family members or friends who will back you, for others you might even need an angel investor to get your dreams off the ground.

Be patient with yourself and your skills more than critical about not being perfect.There's definitely a learning curve for everything that we do and practice is essential. Improvements come over time and it's really important to keep working on your craft, whatever that craft may be. 

This blog is really about encouraging you to look for all the possibilities you can to make your dreams come true. Once you start and even if you're working with less expensive or sophisticated equipment, you can always upgrade when the time is right. The world needs your gifts and talents and if you're going to attract the help that you need whether emotional, or financial, you have to take some steps to get out there and let people and the world know you exist. It's great that with online marketing we have the possibility of announcing our gifts and talents to the world almost instantly and connecting with people around the globe who we may never have met in this entire lifetime.

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