Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Let Your Dreams Take Flight and Find Support For What You Love

Tufted titmouse / Mésange bicoloreImage by Eric Bégin via Flickr

A little birdie told me that you have a dream to fulfill and that this is your time to make that dream come alive. A dream is magical and can take flight if you find the support to help it take-off.

What if you gave yourself some love and know that your special gifts are meant to be shared with the world. For those of you who read my blogs you know that I am a firm believer in the power of the present and the urgency to live while we're here.

My father was tragically killed in an automobile wreck recently and it only made me believe even more in today. Dad was in excellent health and I have to say I considered him the "bionic dad" since he had hip replacements, knee replacements, and shoulder replacements. He was on the way home from a doctor appointment when he lost control of his vehicle and it flipped multiple times and then his life was abruptly ended by the internal bleeding. I was not there, but was told that it was all over in about three minutes.

If you don't try and put all your energy and passion into your dreams it's possible that they will not come true. Even using all of your life energy and determination is no guarantee of success, but if you put your notions in motion, things will happen. Many of the magical things that will happen in your life will be unexpected and wonderful. Having dreams and living with passion to fulfill them will make the struggles a little more tolerable.

I remember reading a book called" Even Eagles Need a Push" and it shares the fact that mother eagles have to push their little ones out of the nest so that they will ultimately fly.It must be so hard for the mother eagle to push her baby eagles out into the big world without a net. She reluctantly pushes and the baby eagles learn to soar on their own.

This push I give you to let your dreams take flight is gentle and supportive but still a push. It is backed up with a belief that I know you will have much more success if you take steps than if you do nothing. Please let me know what you are dreaming of and what you are doing to make your dreams come true.

It will also help you if you find a support network of one or more people who believe in your gifts and talents and can be honest with you and guide you towards the successes you desire. Stay away from those who do not share your vision. Avoid those who try to burst your bubble. Make more bubbles.

Tune-in to our live daily broadcast Las Vegas success talk show  Successipes. Send your questions or comments to lori@successipes.com
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