Monday, November 9, 2009

The Risk, Rewards, and Payoff of Pursuing Your Dreams

An image of a compact disc - Pencil included f...Image via Wikipedia

I just opened my mail and found the latest cd from Michael Ray Tyler, Cool Breeze, a big band musical adventure and it's so awesome. It reminded me of the cost of following your heart to fulfill your life's dreams and to live your passion.

Cool Breeze is Michael Ray Tyler's 3rd album and CD, he's been working on his musical career and creations for more than 25 years. In order to pursue his musical gifts and make these albums he has had to sacrifice by working part-time as a music instructor and musician and has had to take the rest of his time to dedicate to his music.

If you calculate the loss of income he has sacrificed over the years to make his three albums, it's a fortune.
What's the risk of following your heart's desires and living your life to fulfill your passions? The rewards of knowing you are sharing your talents with the world during this lifetime cannot be measured in dollars.

The payoff is that you get to work at what you love and this is definitely better than hating your job. .
It's also important to remember that you don't get the Grammy if you don't make the music. Enjoy the music and passion in your heart and use your talents and gifts. There is a greater risk of unhappiness, depression, frustration, and disappointment if you don't pursue your passion. 

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